Consulate General of Greece in Sydney, Education Office, Level 2, 219-223 Castlereagh St, Sydney, NSW 2000, T (02) 9283 3800, F (02) 9283 3833

Educational Resources

NSW schools offering lessons in Modern Greek may order educational material (books, CD-ROM's and other resources) through the Greek Education Office in Sydney. All material is provided free of charge. Schools are advised to submit their orders in April every year. If a new school wishes to put an order in must contact the Greek Education office. An announcement is also posted on our blog in time.

On-line Books

Alternatively books can be downloaded from the University of Crete ( EDIAMME) web site. Please refer to "On-line books" on the right-hand side of this page.

On-line Greek educational resources and activities

On our educational material page you can also find useful links to many Greek educational sites and on-line Greek Language and Culture activities (museums, educational organizations etc).

Network of teachers of Greek Language (Wiki)

The Greek Education Office will host its own educational wiki in the near future. A wiki is an on-line workspace that drives engagement and collaboration between participants. All teachers of Greek Language
in New South Wales, Canberra and Queensland may subscribe to the wiki by sending their details to the education office. Its aim is to bring all teachers together and assist the exchange of ideas among them.