Consulate General of Greece in Sydney, Education Office, Level 2, 219-223 Castlereagh St, Sydney, NSW 2000, T (02) 9283 3800, F (02) 9283 3833


About the Education System in NSW

In New South Wales the school year usually starts late January or early February and ends in December just before Christmas. In primary and secondary education the school year is split in two semesters. Each semester comprises of two (2) terms that usually last 10 weeks each. The end of each term is usually followed by two weeks of school holidays. For school term dates please visit the New South Wales Public Schools calendar at the following address:

Public Schools Calendar

School terms and public holidays may vary slightly in both Canberra (ACT) and Queensland. An important difference between Greek and Australian teaching practices is that students in the latter do not use course books in any subject except mathematics, e.g. , students study English using various resources. For that reason all primary and high schools are equipped with libraries containing extensive collections of books and publications.

Child Protection Policy

The Department of Education and Training (DET) has the responsibility to provide a safe educational environment for all students. For that purpose the DET has put in place a wide range of programs and services. Greek teachers seconded to the Greek Education Office in Sydney must attend a relevant two day seminar on child protection policy before undertaking classes.

Teaching of Greek in New South Wales

Greek is taught in:

1. Universities
2. Greek Orthodox Colleges
3. Public Schools
4. Afternoon Greek Community and Parish schools
5. Saturday Community Schools
6. Evening Adult Community Colleges

For further information please select schools from the basic menu.